Hush-hush Railroad Quilt

I recently learned of Hole-and-corner Railroad Quilt , a legend or myth of how quilts were used to communicate with escaping slaves.  Now, I am not a quilter, much too impatient. Simply I dearest puzzles and patterns and am fascinated at how quilters create works of fine art out of scraps, creative minds, skilled easily… and patience.   And, underground codes stitched into quilts are very intriguing.

A cursory history lesson: The Underground Railroad operated before the Civil War as a network of freed slaves and abolitionists providing hole-and-corner routes, safe houses and provisions every bit slaves made their mode north to complimentary states and Canada. Information technology is estimated that betwixt 1810 and 1850, the Hush-hush Railroad assisted 100,000 slaves to escape, fifty-fifty though providing such support violated state laws and the Us Constitution.

Information technology was also against the law to teach slaves to read or write, making advice difficult and risky.  According to the legend, slaves would make quilts using symbols representing a specific instruction or management.   Stories and songs effectually the burn at night were coded messages to teach them the symbols to follow on the road.

Abolitionists and freed slaves would make quilts using one coded blueprint and hang them exterior their homes as signs to lead fleeing slaves on the path to freedom. (click on epitome to redirect to source)

Monkey Wrench– Gather the tools you need to navigate, build shelter and defend yourself.
Behave'due south Manus – Have mountain trails and follow the path of bears to get to water and food.
Crossroads – Represented Cleveland Ohio, where many routes led to freedom.
 Log Cabin – Safe House
Bow Ties – Wearing apparel the part! Change out of your slave apparel to dress as freed men
Flying Geese – Go in jump and follow Geese north.
North Star – Follow the Due north Star
Tumbling Boxes – Pack up and get set up to go

Fact or Fiction?  The Underground Railroad Quilt Code is an innovative and interesting tool that provides valuable insight into the struggle for freedom. What the Underground Railroad achieved is truly miraculous. They faced enormous challenges fighting the firmly entrenched institution, economic arrangement and cultural acceptance of slavery. Their efforts were hampered by the laws that made information technology illegal to help escaped slaves.

         They were COMMITTED and Brave.  They risked their livelihoods and sometimes their lives.
         They worked in COLLABORATION, crossing racial, social and economic borders.  Slave and Gratuitous. Black and White. Rich and Poor. Northward and South.
         Their CONDUCTORS were often freed slaves (Survivors led the manner).
         They equipped slaves with TOOLS they needed to survive… concrete, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
         They provided SAFE HOUSES and SUPPORT along the way.
         They were INNOVATIVE using songs, signs, symbols, whistles… maybe fifty-fifty quilts.

Today we face a dissimilar, just nonetheless devastating kind of slavery.  We take the advantage. Slavery is illegal. The constabulary is on the side of freedom.

When nosotros look back over the years since the 2012 landmark passage of Prop 35/Instance Deed proposed past California Against Slavery and the Safer California Foundation,  the progress made in the motion to eradicate human trafficking, protect the vulnerable, and support victims and survivors is remarkable.

With long time champions and recent advocates, our lawmakers have mandated awareness preparation of constabulary enforcement, educators, transit, and hotel personnel, posting of the hotline number, educating our children, and expunging records and vacating convictions of victims.  And, most recently, included an ongoing $x million in the land budget for human trafficking services and support.

Law enforcement has developed special human being trafficking investigative task forces , implements multi-agency operations , trains in victim identification and victim-centered response , and partners in customs training and sensation programs.

In counties, cities, and communities beyond our country, defended public servants and committed service providers are working together to provide public sensation campaigns , housing , transitional living support, wellness services, counseling, education , legal assistance , and expand services to underserved populations.

It is wonderful what has been accomplished, but we still have a long way to become.  Let's look to the lessons of the past. Be fully committed and don't give up. Piece of work in collaboration. Heed to the voice of victims. Follow the leadership of survivors.  Provide housing and transitional living. Equip with life skills and instruction. Back up healing and spiritual wholeness. Be assuming and innovative.

Cheque out our new CAS Statewide Directory of Services to come across what is offered in your area… and how you can connect. This is a living, breathing resources.  We realize nosotros may take missed some of you lot, and then please submit your organizations hither.

Proud to serve with you,
Ginger Shaw