It's the most wonderful time of the twelvemonth. That's the tune that came into my caput when I discovered this amazing recipe. Yes, I know the Wintertime season is traditionally "the well-nigh wonderful time of the year", merely Summer heat calls for ice cream, and in this case RAW water ice cream. Does it get any more wonderful than that? 😆 Go on reading to run into our delicious Strawberry Raw Milk Ice Cream recipe. ♥️🍨


Traditionally, ice cream calls for a base of 4 simple ingredients: milk, cream, egg yolks, and a sweetener of choice. Here are our recommendations for ingredients to plow traditional ice cream into a delicious treat that nourishes your body.


Did you know ice cream can actually be a Wellness nutrient? That'south correct, peculiarly if it's made with 100% real, whole, raw ingredients. The base of this strawberry raw milk ice cream are succulent, nutritious raw dairy products, from cows that graze on grass yr-round.

RAW FARM Raw Dairy Products are unprocessed and complete with bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, benign bacteria, naturally occurring CLA and omega-3 fatty acids. Our truly happy cows grass graze on lush green pasture, all year long. Admittedly NO antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or GMO anything. Customers with lactose sensitivities have a delicious, nutritious, and natural alternative in this unaltered, wholesome product. The ease of digestibility of raw milk gives those that experience discomfort with processed dairy products, a delicious and natural option (isn't that amazing).


Traditional ice cream base is a mix of dairy, egg yolks, and a sweetener (in this case dearest). Information technology'southward important to use the highest quality egg yolks you can detect. This will enrich the food density of the ice foam, specifically the fatty soluble vitamin content. The eggs we recommend are from pasture raised chickens. You can find pastured eggs at your local farmers market, in the grocery shop, or if you have your own chickens (fifty-fifty better), you can go shopping in your own backyard! Pasture raised eggs offer nutritional benefits that exceed other types of eggs: conventional, cage free, etc. This is considering hens that have access to outdoors daily get fresh air, sunshine, and the critters in the grass they beloved munching on. Healthy, happy hens brand for healthy eggs, and therefore a healthy, happy you! Not to forget, a delicious raw ice cream.


The difference between raw honey and pure honey is that in add-on to beingness pure, "raw" dearest has non been heated to the point of pasteurization (no higher than 118°F). The benefit of not heating honey is that the naturally-occurring enzymes, vitamins, and minerals are preserved and you lot go the full benefits of them from eating raw honey. If you have the choice between raw honey vs regular dear, raw honey is a better choice for health, sense of taste, bees and the environment. (source: learn more near raw honey hither!).

Make certain you read the labels carefully. Just because a dear claims to be raw, doesn't mean it's unheated. (Just like other raw cheese brands on the market. We believe in keeping our products TRULY raw, which involves never heating above 102° F. Many other so-chosen "raw" cheese is actually heated to temperatures just under the legal pasteurized temperature of 161° F, which denatures proteins, enzymes, and kills benign bacteria that aids in the digestion of dairy).

Likewise, the internal temperate of a beehive is between 93°-97°F. Notwithstanding, the manufacture considers honey to exist "raw" equally long equally information technology is not heated above pasteurization temperatures at 118°F. This means you lot tin by a "raw" honey that has been afflicted by rut and lost a adept amount of its important nutrients. Raw, unheated, and unfiltered love guarantees that your love has never been heated, so you tin can enjoy the existent, raw bargain.


You can use either fresh or frozen strawberries (or another berry of choice) in this recipe. We recommend organic because organic fruits do not contain harmful preservatives that brand the production last longer than they naturally would. Chemicals such as synthetic fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are widely used in conventional agriculture and residues remain on (and in) the food nosotros eat when it isn't organic. (source).


Y'all will demand a blender to puree the raw strawberries in this recipe. Any blender works!


You will demand an ice cream maker for this recipe. Buying an ice foam maker is a corking investment, trust me! Particularly during the summer. What'southward a better treat to cool off with than RAW milk water ice cream? 😉 Here'south the one I recommend: ice cream maker.


  • 1.v cups of RAW FARM Whole Raw Milk

  • two cups of RAW Subcontract Heavy Raw Cream

  • six pasture raised egg yolks

  • iv tablespoons of raw, unheated dearest

  • ii cups of strawberries, chopped


  1. Store the basin of your ice cream maker in the freezer for 24 hours before employ.

  2. In a medium bowl, combine raw milk, raw foam, and egg yolks.

  3. In a blender, mix together 1 cup of strawberries with raw dear.

  4. Combine strawberry mixture with the milk and foam mixture.

  5. Take the ice foam maker out of the freezer (right before you add together the mixture to it), and churn the mixture for 30 minutes.

  6. Add remaining chopped strawberries and churn for an additional 5 minutes.

  7. Enjoy as a soft serve, or transfer into a freezer-safe container and permit sit down for at to the lowest degree 2 hours.

  8. Store in the freezer for upwards to 2 weeks, if it even lasts that long!


If you give this recipe a attempt-or some other other raw ice cream flavor this Summer- exist sure to TAG US! We love seeing your crawly creations and sharing your delicious recipes onto our social media pages. Plus, we love to help spread the word near your page.